Ignoring personal debt will not make the problem go away. In fact, your bills will continue to pile up costing you thousands in interest and principal payments. Sometimes you may even find yourself in bankruptcy court, a place no one wants to be. In addition to finding yourself in bankruptcy court you will also see […]
Continue readingMore TagMonth: January 2018
Baltimore Orioles extend safety netting
On January 25th the Baltimore Orioles, a major league baseball team in Baltimore, Maryland, announced the extension of the safety nets surrounding the batter’s box. In a release sent out via social media the Baltimore Orioles said” “The Orioles informed Major League Baseball in the fall of last year that consistent with the club’s emphasis […]
Continue readingMore TagBaltimore Ravens Player Arrested
Baltimore Ravens cornerback Marlon Humphrey was arrested January 19th on a third-degree robbery charge. According to reports the arrest happened in Tuscaloosa Alabama, where Mr. Humphrey played college football for the Crimson Tide. Humphrey, a first round draft pick by the Baltimore Ravens in 2017, was released from the Tuscaloosa County Jail after posting the […]
Continue readingMore TagBaltimore City Gun Task Force Trial
The Baltimore City Police, and their Gun Task Force is currently under trial in federal court. Opening statements were slated for January 23, 2018 where it is expected that Detectives Daniel Hersl and Marcus Taylor will plead not guilty. These officers are fighting accusations that they committed crimes as a part of the Baltimore Police’s […]
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