You have examined all of your options and you have decided it is best that you file for bankruptcy. You may have initially intended to file for Chapter 7 and then learned that you likely wouldn’t qualify. That is okay, it just means that you have sufficient resources and earning power and that while you are ineligible for filing under Chapter 7, you advantages that those filing under Chapter 7 do not have.
You also will not have to worry about losing your possessions in an asset sell-off to pay back your creditors. That can be a real relief if you have amassed resources that you intend to keep while filing for bankruptcy.
Instead, under the terms of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you will now have additional time to restructure your debts and devise a workable plan to pay back the creditors that have been after you for repayment.
For many debtors, this little bit of breathing room and extra time is all that is needed to get them back on the right financial track. Coupled with the right guidance the court will order, you can thus develop the fiscal management skills that will allow you to live within your means and pay your bills on time.
That can be a huge relief to most debtors. But the process can still seem quite complex and even daunting. That’s why at The Law Offices of Nicholas J Del Pizzo we work closely with our clients to make sure that they understand the Chapter 13 bankruptcy process and adhere to the repayment schedule that was approved by the court and overseen by the bankruptcy trustee.
Failing to honor the terms of the agreement can cause your case to get tossed out of court and your debts not be discharged. If you have any questions, we are here to help you sort them out.
About The Law Offices of Nicholas J Del Pizzo
The burden of overwhelming debt can be too much to handle. That is where the Law Offices of Nicholas J Del Pizzo come in to help. At our Baltimore bankruptcy law firm, our knowledge and experience with bankruptcy law can help you get the fresh start you need by wiping out your debts, reorganizing your finances, or save your home. To learn more about our services please schedule your initial consultation with us today.