One of the most sought after weekends is right around the corner for all Americans, yes I’m talking about Labor Day weekend! It is the last hurrah of summer and most kids will be heading back to school after the weekend concludes. So how can you celebrate Labor Day Weekend in Baltimore? There a ton of fun events to explore, but here are a few that our law office recommends.
Maryland State Fair, August 24th - September 4th.
The Maryland State Fair provides fun for people of all ages. For young kids there are an endless amount of animals that they can see and pet, as well as learning about agriculture and livestock. There are also thrilling rides for all ages to enjoy, just don’t eat too much before hopping on the rides! If a family wants to relax, check out many of the live concerts that will be available over the weekend, and even grab a nice cold beverage to enjoy while exploring the fairgrounds.

Maryland Renaissance Festival - August 26th - October 22nd
The 41st Renaissance Festival kicks off in Crownsville, MD in a couple weeks and will be active during Labor Day Weekend. Travel back in time and enjoy various shows that feature Renaissance age past times. Take a peek at Maryland’s state sport, jousting, with men in knights armor battling to be the winner while enjoying harmonious music that is centuries old. You and the family are encouraged to dress up in accordance with the times, or enjoy the sights in your modern day attire.
National Hard Crab Derby and Fair - August 31st - September 3rd, 2017
If you’re a Marylander then you’ll love this crab filled festival! Located in Crisfield, Maryland, there will be plenty of crab cooking, eating, racing, and picking to enjoy the entire weekend. Not to mention the endless games and live entertainment that will be provided for the whole family. End your summer right with crabs in your belly!
Maryland Week in Ocean City
Is there a better way to end summer than by spending it in Ocean City, Maryland? You can’t go wrong! There are endless activities to enjoy when exploring Ocean City. Take your family to the boardwalk and explore the countless shops and food stores, and when you get too hot, jump into the ocean! During Maryland Week there will be plenty of discounts and affordable hotel rates, but be warned, it may get a little crowded!